Party with a Local是一套用来帮助游客和本地人找到新朋友,找到扎堆聚会與狂欢派对机會的免费应用程式软件。
而对一個地方的“当地人”來說,Party with a Local将会是一种让你结识身边的游客和异国朋友的独特的方式,也是让你用别样的眼光重新看待自己所身处的城市的方便管道,更是为你的下一次异国之旅先行广交朋友的一种方法。
无论你是在旅行中,或是正在规划下次的旅行,即刻下载这个免费的应用程式,并一起参加今晚派对吧! 无论你是在这世界上的哪一个城市,能和当地人结识丶一起参加聚会丶派对,都将会让你拥有最为愉快美好的经验!
- 寻找附近有意与人结交的当地人丶游客和异国朋友
- 标示你将要做什么(例如:去喝杯啤酒,去泡吧,去跳舞等)
- 寻找当地最好的酒吧和夜店
- 聊天
- 结识附近的人
- 狂欢派对!
在最适合交友和聚会的城市中,排名前10位的是:阿姆斯特丹,柏林,伦敦,墨尔本,悉尼,迪拜,纽约,洛杉矶,旧金山, 巴黎
“就像是省去沙发的沙发客” - Dan F.,阿姆斯特丹超级本地人
“不再需要靠背包客栈来巧遇新朋友了,因为你的新夥伴是最近新推出的APP - Party With A Local,你可以轻松的在任何地点认识新朋友” - The Age
“让游客与当地人快速结识” -
"让你更想要去旅行...寻找异域他方的夜生活和聚会” - Jamie H,伦敦用户
第一次使用Party with a Local应用程式?
浏览我们的网站:<a href="" target="_blank"></a>
加入脸书粉丝团:<a href="" target="_blank"></a>
追踪我们的Instagram @PartywithaLocal
Party with a Local is a free app that connects travellers with locals that want to party. When you’re travelling, it’s a fun way to meet locals, make new friends and find the best local bars and clubs tonight, places you wouldn't normally find as a traveller.
When you’re between travels, it’s a unique way to meet travellers and expats, see your own city with fresh eyes and make friends for your next trip abroad.
Travelling or between trips, download the free app and join the party tonight. Because a night out anywhere, in any city around the world, is better with a local!
- Find locals, travellers and expats nearby
- Set what you're up for (go for a beer, go clubbing, go for coffee etc)
- Find the best local bars and clubs
- Chat
- Meet people nearby
- Party!
Top 10 cities to make new friends and party with a local: Amsterdam, Berlin, London, Melbourne, Sydney, Dubai, New York, Los Angeles, San Francisco
'Like Couchsurfing, without the couch' - Dan F., Amsterdam Super Local
'Without the requirement to crash in the same room as your new pal is the recently launched Party With A Local app, which sets out to connect people keen to hang out together in a certain location.' -The Age
'Party with a Local Hooks Up Travellers with Locals Tonight!' -
'Tinder for travel... for nightlife and parties instead of dating' - Jamie H, London user
New to Party with a Local?
Check out our website: <a href="" target="_blank"></a>
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Follow us on Twitter @PartywithaLocal
Follow us on Instagram @PartywithaLocal
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